The little town near my writing retreat lets it all hang out for their 4th of July parade.

Creative nonfiction writings and ruminations of a Family Physician. Much of this will be medical musing, patient and doctor stories, but I reserve the right to wander. Please feel free to add your comments and experiences!
What state is this town in, or is it just a state of mind? It looks inviting for a future 4th celebration, good for an entry in a book to be titled "Off the Beaten Track Towns in which to Celebrate One's Patriotism"
It's a Colorado state of mind.
Such gleefully inappropriate flag desecration! (According to the flag code.)
Um. If it's bad to burn a flag, is it almost as bad to wash it in hot water?
bob king - they are gleeful, aren't they? Personally, I think such gleeful display of our flag is a wonderful way to celebrate our country.
Thanks for visiting!
The soundtrack to this has to be "Little Pink Houses" by John Mellencamp ("ain't that America, you and me; ain't that America, somethin' to see, ain't that America, home of the free...). And it looks like it was an absolute blast!
Reminds me of Mendocino on the CA coast
kim - It WAS an absolute blast. Perfect soundtrack too, thanks!
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